Notice of Sewer Rate Increase
Notice of Sewer Rate Increase
On August 18, 2022, the Board of Directors of the Oregon Water Wonderland Unit II Sanitary District, held a meeting and discussed the rate structure for sewer collection services. The Board determined that it is necessary to increase rates for sewer collection services based on the estimation of operating costs and the loan debt the District is responsible to pay. At the District’s regular meeting on Thursday October 20, 2022, The Board adopted Resolution No. 22-06 Setting Fee’s.
The sewer department operation is a self-supporting department that must raise sufficient revenue to cover all costs associated with providing services. The last sewer rate increase was in 2015 when the rate went from $62.00 to $64.00. The District has strived to keep rates as low as possible; however, over the past 7 years the district has experienced increasing costs across the board, including: electricity, chemicals and testing, rebuilding vacuum controllers, and pump repairs.
Effective January 1, 2023, the District will increase the Sewer Service User Charge from $64.00 to $74.00. The bills for December 2022 will remain $64.00 and will be processed on January 5, 2023. The rate of $74.00 will start with the January billing and appear on the February 2023 bills. Thereafter, the District will increase the rate 2% annually.
We hope this helps to explain the need for the rate increase. Please feel free to call the District at (541) 593-3124 if you have any questions or concerns.
Oregon Water Wonderland Unit II Sanitary District
Board of Directors